Information to all claimants and policyholders in Denmark
On 07 January 2019, the bankruptcy estate commenced the distribution of information notices, to all policyholders and claimants in Denmark of Qudos Insurance A/S in bankruptcy.
The information notice contains information on the termination of insurance policies, the Garantifonden for Skadesforsikringsselskaber (Danish Guarantee Fund), including the coverage provided by the guarantee fund, deadlines and the procedure to lodge claims, information regarding the reporting of claims to the bankruptcy estate and the procedure for reporting new claims.
Please be aware that the Danish Guarantee Fund only provide coverage to certain claims in a limited period. The Danish Guarantee Fund does not provide coverage to claim occurred after 4 February 2019. For further information about the Danish Guarantee Fund please go to the site “The Danish Guarantee Fund”.
The trustee has asked the agents and claims handlers in Denmark to issue the letter on behalf of the trustee. The information notice is prepared in your own language.
“Click here” to see the information notice to all policyholders and claimants in Denmark.
Please be aware that the district court in Aarhus, Denmark has upheld that legal actions can not be issued against the bankruptcy estate. The bankruptcy estate refer to order of 4 June 2020 in case BS-18164/2019-ARH. For English translation of the order please click here.
Termination of the insurance policies
Due to the bankruptcy, certain rights under your insurance policy and your insurance cover have changed.
All questions concerning existing insurance contracts are governed by the Danish Insurance Contract Act.
This entails that all existing insurance policies will terminate automatically three months after the notice of the bankruptcy decree in the Danish Official Gazette. The bankruptcy decree has been noticed the 28 December 2018. Therefore, all insurances will terminate/end automatically after the expiry of the 28 March 2019.
Please be aware of that your insurance is valid until the expiry of the 28 March 2019.
Insurance policies that expire naturally before cannot be renewed, and any auto-renewal provisions have no effect. Furthermore, no adjustments in the coverage of the insurance can be made, e.g. increasing of risk.
Guarantee Funds
All insurances in Qudos Insurance A/S will terminate automatically three months after the notice of the bankruptcy decree, i.e. after the expiry of the 28 March 2019. Therefore, all insurance policies will be valid until the 28 March 2019.
In a number of cases, you may receive return premium and compensation for claims, if any, under a national guarantee fund or the Danish Guarantee Fund. Please be aware of that certain guarantee funds only provide compensation for claims in a limited period.
The Danish Guarantee Fund does not provide coverage to claim occurred after 04 February 2019. For further information about the Danish Guarantee Fund please go to the site “The Danish Guarantee Fund”.